quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2008
terça-feira, 25 de março de 2008
Smashing Pumpkins - Soot and Stars
The words flow, decisions made
idea's mine, but the inspiration not
dreams of hangers on, dreams of getting well
spells of ezmerelda, emeralds foretold
splinters in the eye sentiments remain
bones that never rest where we going to
it was never up to me and yet i pushed until it broke
i love the open road and all that it suggests
wheel wagon dust weeds and infidelities and
always for a love never question why
in a wooden house immoveable and silent and
drinking strawberry wine forever lost in town
and thru the sleeping streets night bound and heavy
wheels in the spoke still spoken in a foreign cell
now my gates are high, my friends even higher
forgotten in my mind, yet the sky still linger and
cloud the blue skies, i'm jealous of you birds
was the only truth in a world full of words?
hear the prairie sound in a friend called near
the heart is pointed down but my spirit pointed up
his voice for siren of greek mythology
i pause with my pen i begin to defend
every action taken, every moment sealed
when i was quick it coursed through open veins
the will to live the urgency to move
behind a panel door sealing cherry stain
i played my guitar and lived those lonesome notes
like a dog that's down
in a corner just a sigh
waiting to be called
waiting to be yours
ghosts of all my shame
without purpose or will
i often speak of you but the you is always me
cause when i speak of me it's me i ask of you
so let there be no truth just trickery in rhymes
time the only thing waiting still as death
i hope for resolution pray one defining moment
pause without restrain barren without child
a child is who i was a child is who i'll die
soot in my hair
and stars in my hands
soot in my hair
and stars in my hands
soot in my hair
and stars in my hands
segunda-feira, 24 de março de 2008
Radiohead - Black Star (Live 1994)
Black Star
I get home from work and you're still standing in your dressing gown
Well what am I to do?
I know all the things around your head and what they do to you
What are we coming to?
What are we gonna do?
Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home
The troubled words of a troubled mind I try to understand what is eating you
I try to stay awake but its 58 hours since that I last slept with you
What are we coming to?
I just don't know anymore
Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home
I get on the train and I just stand about now that I don't think of you
I keep falling over I keep passing out when I see a face like you
What am I coming to?
I'm gonna melt down
Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home
This is killing me
This is killing me
domingo, 23 de março de 2008
Radiohead - Sail To The Moon
Sail to the Moon
I sucked the moon
And sailed on shooting stars
I spoke too soon
I was dropped from moonbeams
And how much did it cost?
Maybe you'll
You'll build an Ark
Be president
Or in the flood
But know right from wrong
And sail us to the moon
Sail to the moon
Sail us to the moon
Jorge Palma - Estrela do Mar
Numa noite em que o céu tinha um brilho mais forte
e em que o sono parecia disposto a não vir
fui estender-me na praia sozinho ao relento
e ali longe do tempo acabei por dormir
Acordei com o toque suave de um beijo
e uma cara sardenta encheu-me o olhar
ainda meio a sonhar perguntei-lhe quem era
ela riu-se e disse baixinho: estrela do mar
Sou a estrela do mar
só a ele obedeço, só ele me conhece
só ele sabe quem sou no princípio e no fim
só a ele sou fiel e é ele quem me protege
quando alguém quer à força
ser dono de mim
Não sei se era maior o desejo ou o espanto
mas sei que por instantes deixei de pensar
uma chama invisível incendiou-me o peito
qualquer coisa impossível fez-me acreditar
Em silêncio trocámos segredos e abraços
inscrevemos no espeço um novo alfabeto
já passaram mil anos sobre o nosso encontro
mas mil anos são pouco ou nada para a estrela do mar
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